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Vehicle Theft in Mexico
Getting your vehicle stolen in Mexico is never fun, trust me this has happened to myself on two seperate occassions, however if you follow the correct procedures you will not spend hours dealing with authorities.

Procedures if you Discover your Vehicle has been Stolen while in Mexico
It is important if you discover your vehicle has been stolen, to immediately report the theft to the insurance company at the numbers below. You MUST report all claims prior to leaving Mexico and crossing the border back into USA. Failure to file a claim prior to leaving Mexico may result in the DENIAL of your claim. Your bilingual Mexico Insurance claims representatives are available to assist you 24 hours, 365 days per year. They will provide you with the necessary information you will need to not only file a claim, but also the addresses and directions to the local authorities in Mexico where you will need to go to report that your vehicle is stolen.
HDI Seguros 01 800 019 6000 from Mexican phone, 1 888 212 7642 from a U.S. cell phone, they are available 24/7, and offer bilingual representatives
Mexico Authorities
You will also need to report your vehicle theft to one of the following Mexico Authorities below. Your Mexico Insurance underwritter above will assist you in finding the nearest Mexico Authorities. The authorities below will ask you to provide driver's license, vehicle identification number (VIN), License Plate Number and Mexico Insurance Policy. If for some reason you do not have this information make sure you ask for it from you Mexico Insurance Company when you are filling a claim.
- Ministerio Publico (District Attorney's Office)
- Policia Federal Preventiva (PFP - Federal Police)
- Seguridad Publica (Municipal police)
IMPORTANT: Make sure you view your police report in Mexico for accuracy. If for some reason they did not type in the correct policy number or VIN number you will have to return to Mexico and refile your entire claim, it may also result in having your claim denied.
Once you are Back Home
It is important that you inform the authorities in the city that the vehicle is registered that your vehicle was stolen in Mexico, also you will want to contact your U.S. and Canadian insurance company as well.
Upon your return to the US and after the claim has been reported to the company in Mexico, you can get the status of your claim by contacting your International Claims Service at 1.800.284.9783
Disclaimer -
The following information is provided as a general and informative background to Mexico, and should not be considered legal advice or your sole source of information. Mexbound.com assumes no liability for any reliance on information provided. Laws and Mexico Auto Insurance policies change, wherever possible you are encouraged to seek Legal counsel for up to date information. No attorney or client relationship is intended or created by this information.