Home » Mexico Travel Info
Mexico Travel Information

Mexico Information
General information about Mexico. If you are planning a trip to Mexico, this is an excellent place to start. Information on tourism boards, maps, currency, ATM machines, holidays and events, phones and more.
Driving in Mexico
Planning a road trip to Baja or Mexico? In this section, find information on driving and safety tips, toll roads, border crossings, roadside assistance, military checkpoints, traffic tickets, road signs, and driving distances.
Customs and Permits - Entering or leaving Mexico
Get all the information you need to get into Mexico and return home safely. Information on vehicle permits, tourist and visa cards, passports, fishing and boat permits, entering into Mexico, US Customs, pets, and Mexico Insurance.
Mexico Legal System - Rules and Regulations
Information and guides to the legal system in Mexico. Information on purchasing real estate in Mexico, marriage and wedding information, foreigner legal rights, and Mexico arrests.
Emergency Services
Information if you should need help while traveling in Mexico from roadside assistance to emergency air evacuation.
Government, Consulates and Embassy Info
List of U.S. and Canadian Embassies in Mexico, Mexican Immigration offices, Consulates in the US, Mexican Government agencies, state government offices, political parties and structure.